How did a man with the middle name of Hussein win a Nobel Peace Prize? I am still in disbelief and dumbfounded as is most of our entire nation that this farce really took place. There are emails and facebook pages asking Barack Hussein Obama to give back the award of which he so little deserved. He has not withdrawn U.S. troops as he promised but has actually put us in another country - Afghanistan with more soldiers to die. He is truly a hypocrite to the Nth power.
Moving on, like to welcome a couple more countries to MY BAD TEQUILA familia - Israel and The Netherlands. Proud to be acquainted with Jerusalem - where Jesus was born. Amsterdam where Heineken was formulated and much more.
Here's to hoping the Arizona Cardinals and Mr. Kurt Warner will step it up today vs. Houston Texans. Will the Real Cardinals please stand up.
Found a new Tequila yesterday - AZUL Tequila - pretty smooth and tasteful. No Cabo Wabo to be found in San Carlos, Mexico so an alternative was tried and enjoyed.
Uncle Rico
Rico Austin
"Have a Double Shot of Reality"