Hola Amigas & Amigos,
My Mother & Dad RIP would have been married 56 years ago today 8/1/59; Dad died much too young, at age 43! He always worked hard, had to quit school in the 8th grade to work in the orchards, helping support his family. My mother too, had to end her schooling at the end of the 8th grade to help raise her younger brothers and sisters while her Mother and Dad worked in the fields and away from home. They both wanted better lives for all five of us boys and provided for us in the best ways they could and wanted us all to at least be able to graduate from High School. At end of Blog are a couple of photos, (1) Tommie and Nina Austin on their wedding day; (2) my Parents with me in 1961 and it looks as if Dad is wearing the same shirt that he was married in (his best one at the time); now, much more faded. Kids these days wouldn't be caught in the same shirt 2 years later! Mom is pregnant with little Brother David Austin!
To Quote Archie Bunker - "Those were the Days!" Love You Both & Everyone Else out there in this Big World that Rotates! A lesson taught me by my parents, to love all, which included praying for your enemies, hoping that they no longer hate and berate!
Now, for some not so pleasant news; but, it has to be written, recorded and read. Subway’s Jared Fogle will plead guilty to having sex with minors.
These are some of the things Jared Fogle might say 2 the kiddies while babysitting & filming, "Oh, look how sexy I am holding my 6 inch salami sandwich with jalapenos covered all over it!"
I'm somewhat confused here; Why does Ex-Ravens cheerleader Molly Shattuck get to spend sentencing of every other weekend in a Delaware work-release detention center for nearly two years, for having raped a 15-year-old boy in Bethany Beach last summer get a much easier sentence than a man who has consensual sex with a 16 or 17 year old girl and gets 5 years in the slammer? In most cases a girl is more mentally and physically older than her male counterpart. Both cases are inexcusable; but, why the light sentence? This former cheerleader, Molly Shattuck has to only be incarcerated 2 days out of every 14 days over a total of 1/7 of a year for nearly 2 years. Very disturbing, total BS. The correct sentence would have been to put Molly and Ravens Linebacker Ray Lewis and Subway’s Jared Fogle in the same cell for 6 years to share a 12” each and every day!
Ben Affleck's late-night meet-up with his ex-nanny, Christine Ouzounian.
Both Ben and Christine smile big in this photo taken (end of blog) at a rental house, where Ben was staying at the time. The 42-year-old actor is seen coming out of the house to greet 28-year-old Christine, who was driving his car. According to an eyewitness, she was also seen driving Ben's Lexus earlier in the day to run errands, and spent about two hours at the house before leaving.
Looks as if Amigo Ben Afleck is playing his character in Gone Girl without the big screen; however he is still being filmed! Movies can B Real! TMZ will be all over this!
Finally, I have my own Jet to fly me to Cabo San Lucas for the Caboholics Support Group Annual Fiesta in February! I have traded my ASS for a JET & I'll be bringing lots of MEXICO got LUCKY books for everyone as the CABOHOLICS are in the book with OUR Pictures! This is not an Advertisement, it is an important Announcement and a way to show off my new Wings! Vayan Con Dios!
Amigas & Amigos, great SUNDAY, that's MY FUNDAY with AZ Amigos Doug Bondon, Mark Huebner & golf of the day winner Mr. Michael J. Passante! Thank YOU Amiga Carol for a Great Day at Mirabel Country Club in North Scottsdale! We're all Blessed to be living the Arizona Dream! We are loving 12 of 12 great months of fabulous weather!
Happy Birthday to my Amigo & Kid Brother - David Austin! I love YOU Man!
In my fenced backyard, out in the desert countryside at MY BAD TEQUILA pool, I like to go topless. Tonight I was cleaning my pool while TOPLESS & a Drone comes buzzing around my pool while some sicko gets off at watching me clean / scrub the tile of my pool. Anyway, the drone gets too close, lands in my hair, I hear a loud bzz right before I feel it land, immediately, I shriek & drop down into the pool, expecting the drone disguised as a black looking, bumble bee sort of insect that is dark green to be gone, out of my hair, I reach up and it is still there, so underwater again I go, this time taking my gloved hand (yes, luckily I was wearing gloves while scrubbing the pool with hard pumice as it is rough on the hands, for the past two evenings, I've done it without gloves and my poor little fingers were skinned up and anyway, back to the story) and I dig that little monster drone out and hold him under the water while it tries to shock or bite me with its little drone claws and teeth. Finally, the drone is no more & I look into its eyes to the creep that has been spying on me and immediately another comes into the backyard, this time the wife sees it and it attacks her, she gets safely in the house and the drone leaves. I hope the Drone Owner is reading this as I promise that I will take the second drone and the third drone and any others after that, DOWN! This story might go into My Bad Tequila II, the next bottle! Be Careful out there, lots of weirdos!
While making my rounds and a quick stop in Seal Beach, got to meet up with Amiga Krista Talley & her hubby, Amigo Matt for a couple of drinks at Patty's Place. Always great to see this young newlywed couple.
Parrot Grande 2015 was a Trop Rock Success with performing artists Mark Mulligan, Sam Rainwater, Bob Karwin, Desert Island Band and Jimmy & the Parrots! Special appearance by the Dancing Flamingos, I was able to get a photo with 2 of the 3 ladies dressed in pink as the 3rd was in her room taking a much needed and deserved nap from the extravaganza of an incredible fiesta, Jimmy Buffett style. Lots of great music, beach balls bouncing at the pool, silent auction made this a Great Event! There was even a game called "BRAS" - it's a little known game where you toss balls and try to get them in the cup. I liked this game brought to us by Karen and Adam Lyons (part of Milton Bradley). It was a phabulous weekend, so much phun with phriends at Parrot Grande! Thanks to All for their hard work and dedication with a Special Thank YOU to our Presidente - Kathy Pfister
As soon as the fun ended on Sunday morning at the Hilton Tapitio Cliffs resort at Parrot Grande, I went by and picked up my main squeeze Connie and we headed out to T.C. Thortensen's Buffalo Ranch to help celebrate #59. I asked T.C. how it looked on the other side as I poured us both a shot of Azunia Tequila. Was able to see lots of great friends from Cave Creek, Scottsdale, Carefree, New River & Phoenix while there. Amigo Chris Anton even gave me his straw cowboy hat as a gift and it wasn't even my day of birth. To see how cowboys & cowgirls behave at a pool party, you'll find out by some photos at the end of the blog. To quote John Wayne: "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."
Missing Cabo, but did I mention, I love being TSA Preapproved, makes YOU feel like Popeye the Sailor Man!! Yesterday, Friday, August 21st at DoubleTree Ontario Airport, wake up call at 4:00 am; showered & down to the lobby at 4:28 am for 4:30 am shuttle to airport; 4:33 am Doubletree Shuttle heads to Ontario Airport, off the bus and through security at 4:47 am; buy a USA Today, Diet Coke & a bag of M&M Peanuts at 4:55 am; first one in line waiting for Scholtsky's to open for breakfast at 4:58 am, order breakfast & first one served at 5:01 am; Board Southwest flight 28 at 5:30 am, take off at 6:00 am, touch down at Skyharbor International in Phoenix at 6:57 am, take the SkyTrain to East Parking Lot, exit parking lot in my Xterra at 7:31 am; drop off laundry at 7:56 am in Scottsdale; walk into OSR for knee therapy right on time at 8:00 am! When I arrive home at 11:00 am after grocery shopping, to find 500 books (11) boxes of MEXICO got LUCKY, my latest, finished story on my front door step; After unpacking & then taking boxes of books to the garage, I take a nice relaxing swim at 12:08 pm and that's when all the FUN Started! HOT, Neighbor Arizona State University Co-Eds, 3 of them knock on my door at 12:08 pm to welcome me home from a grueling work week, 12:09 pm after hugs & welcome kisses, I'm blending margaritas, while the Co-Eds slip into something a bit more comfortable; 12:11 pm, we're splashing around in the My Bad Tequila pool for many hours; 4:58 pm, time for the fun to end, say Adios to HOT Co-Eds & clean up mess; 5:06 pm wife pulls into garage where she is greeted with a Keystone Light & a smile; 5:06 & 30 seconds pm wife tells me I am the Greatest Husband in the World & I ask her, "How was Your Day?" & she responds, "Long & Hard" and I reply, "So was mine & I did I mention, I love being TSA Preapproved, makes YOU feel like Popeye the Sailor Man and I miss Cabo! At 5:11 pm after going into full detail about my day, my wife turns to me and says, "Rico, You live in a Fantasy World, You have really got to quit making up these stories." I reply, "Hon, You're right as I wink at the secret recording camera while eating my bowl of Spinach! ;-) another fine story by Author Rico Austin with a Happy Ending!
Coming September 19th;
Top Rock Entertainment is once again pleased to present, LIL SAMMY's aka Lance Tate 4th ANNUAL BIRTHDAY BASH....BAGOW!!!!!
Join Lance Tate with friends, family, schoolmates, co workers, and Lil Sammy followers as we celebrate his birthday in style!!! Another outstanding year and reason to ROCK the HOUSE with LIVE ROCK N ROLL!!!.
A night for sure not to be miss with live performances by; Störmbringer Deep Purple Tribute; Hurrikane (Scorpions Tribute); LADY ZEP all Female Tribute
Also, we have a SPECIAL Event Signings!!
MEET & GREET with our own: Authors Sonia Farnsworth -"Losing the Plot in LA" & Author Rico Austin -"My Bad Tequila"
Shopping in Style with: Lisa Martin with Rockin Rags; Lynne Merriam with Hearts & Daggers; & Cherry Garcia with Rock Art Watercolors;
ALL ARE INVITED!! So please POST & PASS. Doors open at 630p/Live Music at 7p/Tickets $10 Discount Room Rates by calling 562 596 1631. They sell out every year so CALL NOW!! https://www.facebook.com/events/1019041334786896/
Coming in October: Join Author Rico Austin in a Tequila Tasting & Tail Gate Fiesta as his Boise State Broncos take on Lou Dezarn & his adopted UNLV Rebels Football on Halloween, Oct. 31st, 2015 at Sam Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada, Baby! Since Amigo Lou is actually an Ohio State Buckeyes Fanatic, he may change into a winning Bronco Jersey B4 Game Time TBD! Best Costume & Worst Costume, both gets to do a shot of Azunia Tequila & take a Selfie with Fireman Lou & Author Rico! https://www.facebook.com/events/962756040447153/
Have a Great Day Amigas & Amigos! from hopefully, one of your favorite storytellers and authors!
Viva MEXICO! & Photos at the end of the Blog! ;-)
Well, YOU can now purchase MEXICO got LUCKY in eKindle version or paperback on Amazon.com It is a great book and I know that YOU will enjoy!
Pictures at end and below Advertisements & Acknowledgements!
"Lovin' Life & Livin' Large!" - rico austin
Saludos y Vayan con Dios,
Please Like my Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Official-My-Bad-Tequila-Fan-Page/108959375814100?fref=ts
Last, but not least, please “LIKE” my new page on Facebook, "ELVIS - (In The Shadow Of)"
Now that You’ve had the opportunity to “LIKE,” it is now time to “Buy.”
Uncle Rico
Rico Austin
Author, Blogger, Tequila Connoisseur, Co-Songwriter, Part-time Movie Star, CEO, Amigo & One Righteous Dude - MY BAD TEQUILA
Mom is pregnant with Lil Bro David!
Not too Fuc-ing Smart - She has Blonde written all over her part time cell!
It has been 15 years since two friends were murdered in Atlanta after the Super Bowl,
and their families still question the involvement of the Ravens linebacker.
Lots of favorite drinks - Corona Beer, Azunia Tequila & Jimador Tequila to name a few!
Author Rico Austin - 3rd from left, back row with Cowboy Hat & Sunglasses;
Buffalo Trainer TC Thorstenson - Center, back row with blue shirt & Cowboy Hat
A Buffalo on each side; Notice the Boise State Bronco sticker on XTerra!

Rico with TC's stuffed Buffalo - Harvey Wallbanger & Wolf
Michael Passante, Mark Huebner, Doug Bondon & Golf Club, Rico Austin
Compliments of Carol Huebner - Gracias Amiga!
It's a Dry Heat - only 111 Degrees Fahrenheit
Rocky Xiii, Pummel in the Desert!
Phoenix Chapter
This is not the 3rd Dancing Flamingo - we'll call her Becky!
Yes, they both have 3 names - that's what some Parrottheads do;
I liked this game, brought to You by Karen & Adam Lyons (part of Milton Bradley)
Co-Founder Karen Lyons taking on another contestant.
3 Amigos from San Carlos rendezvous once more!