Hola Amigas y Amigos, Labor Day is always a great way to start September 1st as it fell upon the first Monday of September which this year just happened to be on 9-1-2014;
This Blog is dedicated to "Lady with a Leg" who I believe should become the spokesperson for CABO STRONG and the rebuilding, restoring of Cabo San Lucas and San Jose Del Cabo in the BAJA of Mexico! *Spoiler Alert - the photo of her is at the very end of this Blog, to give all something very deep and spiritual to think about after being entertained. "I am a writer of words, bringing visions to the minds of those who read the stories I pen; but, this picture captures more than the words I am gifted to scribe." rico austin
Our gang of four – Connie aka Ginger; Tina, Don and Rico went to San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico and became the first paying customers at HammerHead’s Dockside Bar & Grille - great food, friendly atmosphere, cold beer, delicious margaritas and a view of the marina. Gracias Doug, Troy, Norene, Oscar, Suzy & Emilio 4 a Funtastic Time at HammerHead's Dockside Bar & Grille! (become friends with them at:) https://www.facebook.com/HammerHeadsDockside?fref=ts We settled for a four day cruise as opposed to a three hour cruise on Gilligan’s Island, yes 50 years ago in 1964, the first episode of the Castaways aired on CBS. Gilligan's Island is an American sitcom created and produced by Sherwood Schwartz and originally produced by United Artists Television. The situation comedy series featured Bob Denver as First Mate Willy Gilligan, the bumbling, accident-prone crewman (affectionately known as "Little Buddy" by "the Skipper") of the S.S. Minnow. Actor Alan Hale, Jr. better known as the Skipper Jonas Grumby; Jim Backus as snooty millionaire Thurston Howell III; Natalie Schafer as Mrs. Howell aka Lovey; Russell Johnson the high school science teacher Roy Hinkley aka The Professor; Tina Louise as the Sexy Movie Star Ginger Grant, and Dawn Wells as Mary Ann Summers, the vacationing Farm Girl.
Gilligan’s Island aired for three seasons on the CBS network from September 26, 1964 to April 17, 1967. The sitcom was originally sponsored by Philip Morris & Company (the tobacco company) and Procter & Gamble, the show followed the comic adventures of seven castaways as they attempted to survive the island on which they had been shipwrecked. Most episodes revolve around the dissimilar castaways' conflicts and their failed attempts (frequently Gilligan's fault) to escape their plight. Gilligan's Island ran for a total of 98 episodes. The first season, consisting of 36 episodes, was filmed in black and white. These episodes were later colorized for syndication. The show's second and third seasons (62 episodes) and the three television movie sequels were filmed in color. The show enjoyed solid ratings during its original filming run, then grew in popularity during decades of syndication, especially in the 1970s and 1980s when many markets ran the show in the late afternoon after school (yes, that is when I was first introduced to the Skipper and his Little Buddy - Gilligan.) Today, the title character of Gilligan is widely recognized as an American cultural icon. Whenever asked the choice of which castaway I’d rather have – Ginger or Mary Ann, I always chose Ginger except those times I would choose Mary Ann. Um, still not sure as they both made my boat float – ironic isn’t it, since their boat was shipwrecked.
My wife Connie told me that her and her little brother Wade would race down the driveway of their Minnesota home to get to turn the TV on for ½ hour. Connie wanted Dark Shadows and Wade wanted Gilligan’s Island because Connie knew that those Castaways were never getting off that island and it frustrated her into watching a scary show.
Since we recognizing an iconic sitcom, why not honor an iconic weekly Western that is also celebrating 50+ years of success.
55 years ago on 9-12-1959, these 4 Horsemen rode into our lives & we called it Bonanza! Go Little Joe, you're one heck of an actor & Little House on the Prairie will be waiting 4 U! Hoss is the favorite; but never got laid! Adam was always the ladies' man, but a bit too serious, so the writer's wrote you out! Ben was one heck of an old man & dad! Hop Sing always had dinner awaiting in the kettle & was wearing a cool, blue outfit (actually didn't know it was blue until we got our 1st color tv - 12" in 1968) with a little circle hat when the riding men came back to the Ponderosa Ranch! Check out some Hop Sing in the Bonanza clip below - pretty cool, little Chinaman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EJebBY-Yk0
If YOU had a Fast Gun & a Fast Horse, You could do just about anything you pleased with anyone you pleased! I should've been a cowboy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIq1LvzSLsk
As I traveled to Alaska this last week, I thought about the last time I was there 2 years ago in July 2012 and decided that I would republish that Blog written 8 seasons ago to remind us that many things change; but, there are some that remain the same. On my last evening before flying back to my Arizona home, I stopped into Pancho Villas Mexican Restaurant in Anchorage where I had a book signing and there to greet me was Dawarita at the bar and she says, "I remember you - author of 'My Bad Tequila,' however I don't remember your name. We exchanged pleasantries and names, I ordered a Margarita and then she asked if she might buy me a shot of Tequila. Not much to anyone's surprise, I accepted and she went onto say, "Rico, you are the perfect person to try this on, we just received these place mats from Tequila Cazadores and she poured me not 1, not 2; but 3 shots of this nectar of which I love - Anejo, Reposado and Blanco were there for my taking and enjoyment. Unfortunately, I did not get to see Carlos or Ricardo - the owners, but I did get to visit their great establishment one more time and wouldn't you know it - a commercial featuring Pancho Villas' came on the television set and there was Dawnarita pouring a thirsty Alaskan hombre a drink!
I had forgot had magical the Denali area is – aka Mount McKinley as it stands [native name Denali (Koyukon Athabaskan for "The High One", Dghelaayce’e in Ahtna)] is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of 20,237 feet (6,168 m) above sea level. At some 18,000 feet (5,500 m), the base-to-peak rise is considered the largest of any mountain situated entirely above sea level. Measured by topographic prominence, it is the third most prominent peak after Mount Everest and Aconcagua. Located in the Alaska Range in the interior of US state of Alaska, McKinley is the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve.
The first European to document sighting the mountain was George Vancouver in 1794. In 1903, James Wickersham recorded the first attempt at climbing McKinley, which was unsuccessful. In 1906, Frederick Cook claimed the first ascent, which was later proven to be false. The first verifiable ascent to McKinley's summit was achieved on June 7, 1913 by climbers Hudson Stuck, Harry Karstens, Walter Harper, and Robert Tatum, who went by the South Summit. In 1951, Bradford Washburn pioneered the West Buttress route, considered to be the safest and easiest route and therefore the most popular currently in use.
On September 11, 2013, Alaska's lieutenant governor Mead Treadwell announced Mount McKinley is 20,237 feet (6,168 m) tall and not 20,320 feet (6,194 m) as measured in 1952 using photogrammetry. Courtesy of Wikipedia!
I did pass by an Alaska version of Sturgis and you’ll see the pictures, I was either the first one there or the last to leave – not sure.
A couple of videos that I shot with my BlackBerry phone are now posted on You Tube and I’ve included the addresses in case you’re the least bit interested. I have to warn you, I am singing along with the radio – Bee Gees – “If I can’t have You” & Gloria Estefan – “Turn the Beat Around” which was filmed next to the Trans-Alaska pipeline that goes on and on – over 800 miles I believe. if I would have been just a few years older I am sure I would have taveled North to work on the pipeline as jobs were scarce in Idaho during these years and I kept tabs on the construction, hoping I would graduate high school, but NOOO! The pipeline was started in 1973 and completed in 1977.
"You don't know me if You don't like me! Ever walk the Streets of Bakersfield?" Just arrived into Buck Owens and Merle Haggard territory along with a little bit of Dwight Yoakam; Buck Owens' Crystal Palace in Bakersfield! Pictured below is Buck Owens' Cadillac that was custom built for ELVIS PRESLEY . Buck won it in a poker game in 1976; but story is he cheated! Oh well, Buck put it to good use as a Display - 21 guns and that my Friends is My Lucky Numero!
This is how I spent my last Saturday night, September 20th, 2014 with the V TOWN DERBY DAMES who played a match at home vs. Unforgiven Roller Girls of Bakersfield! Then went to party with 4 teams of women - V Town Derby Dames, Unforgiven Roller Girls, Pacific Coast Recycled Rollers and the b team in Visalia aka V-Town - the Derby Darlings; By the way the Dames kicked some Bakersfield ass with a score of 230 - 60 in the premier match! My bruises are minimal since I didn’t get elbowed & hip bounced too much that night! C'mon out and watch the hottest, fastest skaters - the V TOWN DERBY DAMES on Saturday, November 8th at 5:00 pm in Visalia, California. http://www.vtownderbydames.com/ https://www.facebook.com/vtownderbydames?fref=ts
Odile, a category 4 Hurricane devastated Cabo San Lucas and was the worst storm / hurricane to hit the baja since storm tracking has been in place. There were some great stories of incredible human giving and sacrifice and too, there were stories of man acting out in his lowest form as a wild beast. Wayne Bisbee, founder of the Bisbee Black & Blue Marlin Tournament was one of the first to come to the rescue starting with a $250,000 donation from the Bisbee Family to the Bisbee’s Relief Fund which All funds collected through the relief fund will help support the residents and businesses rebuild, provide temporary housing for all in the Cabo area. Here is the website should you decide to donate. https://bisbeesconservationfund.org/donate/CaboRelief
Also, there is another legitimate fund that you may opt to donate which has been started by 'Caboholics Support Group' founders, Maddie & Johnny Haney aka Mr. & Mrs. Corona of Cabo San Lucas. The site is http://www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/cabo-strong-relief-efforts-after-hurricane-odile/235470
Now, for the unhuman part of the story when I found out that I had Caboholic Amigas & Amigos that were having to band together in their neighborhoods to ward off looters and thieves that carried machetes to hack away at a person if that is what it took to take someone else’s electronics or property.
There is a mist in our world that only good deeds done can help lift! I fear for our Country, for our Earth, for our Universe; After seeing the same looting, killing, stealing, murdering in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur as was done in New Orleans Louisiana, all after devastating hurricanes, all I seem to know, is this is how it will be when other destruction is upon our land! Machetes used in Africa, used in Mexico, people killing people for products - stereos, computers, laptops, iphones in the name of necessities such as food & water; I am truly saddened by our world; but the good thing is that people rise up such as BISBEE'S CABO RELIEF FUND & Caboholics Support Group to help Good overcome Evil! Very saddened by Mexico and Mexicans as I thought they might be different from what I witnessed in Lousiana, USA;
But wait, Human decency finds itself atop cruelty as witnessed by a well known business Giggling Marlin which posted 2 signs outside their doors after reopening: We Are Open & "If You are hungry and have no money, We have a hot meal for You, Please Come In." & again, below it in Spanish "Si tienes hombre y no tienes dinero, nosotros una comida gratis por usted, Por Favor, Venga" - WoW, the Giggling Marlin skyrocketed in value with me! The picture below shows this is no fallacy, but indeed a true act of kindness. They have no idea that I have put this into the "My Bad Tequila" Blog. I just went onto their website for the first time and saw owner Gary W.'s message. His nickname is Goyo and when in Cabo stop in, say hello and let him know that You saw this message on my Blog, order some food, have a drink and thank him for his kindness in the wake of Hurricane Odile. www.gigglingmarlin.com
I've finally arrived - invited to Green Bay Packers game and will be doing 3 different book signings while in beautiful Wisconsin - 1 of 2 states of which I've never the opportunity to visit! Can YOU say Cheesehead? https://www.facebook.com/TributeGolfCourse Bunkers Bar at Tribute Golf Course and The Chatterbox – both in Wausau, Wisconsin! This is 1 of 2 states that I have never visited. Now, only West Virginia will remain to be conquered. https://www.facebook.com/pages/THE-CHATTERBOX/114622810633?fref=ts
I’ve been watching the OUTLANDER Series on Starz Network since I've participated in 2 book signings with world famous Diana Gabaldon, the author of the Outlander Series. In fact about 2 years ago, I stood at the end of a line to get my 20th Anniversary copy of Outlander signed & Diana looks up at me and says, "Hello Rico, how have you been?" and then signed in her Outlander Novel, "For Rico: Enjoyed My Bad Tequila" Diana Gabaldon. I then said, "You read 'My Bad Tequila'" and she said, "of course!" I've attached her signing on her book to the bottom of blog.
And, I haven’t even began to report on all the sporting events that have happened, especially College & NFL Football with the Adrian Petersen child beating and the wife beater Ray Rice of the Ravens. I truly do not know what is the most disturbing, Ravens football player Ray Rice knocking his then fiancée, now wife, unconscious in an elevator, the NFL lying to protect him or the women defending Rice for punching “an unarmed woman.” All are equally repulsive. But a woman, saying Rice’s wife Janay Palmer deserved it, is downright unacceptable and insane. Roger Goodell should be looking for a new position outside the NFL as he is no longer respected as an honest leader quarterbacking the NFL.
Whoa and don’t even get me started with the resignation of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder who is a racist of the worst degree. When I looked up Eric Holder on Facebook, I was directed to Al Sharpton – this is the absolute truth. Now, isn’t that something that Facebook even recognizes birds of a feather and is getting them flocked together. Lastly, Obama has finally agreed that ISIS might possibly be a threat – Hallelujah and after 13 years and a few days after the anniversary date of September 11, 2001. *Special Thanks to our living and deceased heroes in the Armed Forces who know that “Freedom doesn’t come free.” Remembrance for those that gave their lives on that tragic day in September 2001. “May we never forget.”
"The Cow" - Amigas & Amigos, a little joke to kick off Your Week and to give Your Spirit a Lift and Your Face a Smile after you read this, "The Cow."
Suddenly, a cow runs out into the road, and a limo driving late at night, hits it head-on and the car comes to a stop. The woman in the back seat - in her usual abrasive manner, says to thechauffeur, "You get out and check on that poor cow. You were driving." So the chauffeur gets out, checks, and reports that the animal is dead, but it appeared to be very old. Well, says the woman, "You were driving, so you go and tell the farmer in that lighted farmhouse over there."Two hours later the chauffeur returns totally inebriated, a full belly, his hair ruffled, and a big grin on his face. "My Gosh, what happened to you?" asks the woman. The chauffeur replies, "When I got there, the farmer opened his best bottle of single malt scotch, the wife gave me a meal fit for a king,and the daughter made love to me." "What on earth did you say?" asks the woman. Well, I just knocked on the door, and when it opened, I said to them, "I'm Nancy Pelosi's chauffeur, and I've just killed the old cow."
*** Spoiler Alert - Best Picture is the Last One - "Lady with a Leg!"
Adios & Vayan Con Dios Amigos!
Uncle Rico
Rico Austin
Author, Blogger, Tequila Connoisseur, Co-Songwriter, Part-time Movie Star, CEO & Amigo of
"Have a Double Shot of Reality" TM
Left to Right: HammerHead with Mick Jagger lips on wall,
Rico with Cabo Cowboy Hat, Connie aka Ginger, Miss Tina & Smiling Mr. Don;
All on Gilligan's Isle
Adam - Pernell Roberts; Little Joe - Michael Landon; Hoss - Dan Blocker; and Horses
Not pictured: Hop Sing - Victor Sen Yung
Left to Right: Pyro Princess #911; Rico; GymNasty #9975; Busty Chops #36D
I tried to get Busty Chops to change her number to 38D; Great, Fun Derby Girls!
Author Rico, Manager of Roller Towne - Jesse; Waitress Girl - didn't get her name or #!
at Arizona Authors & Appetizers sponsored by Friends of the Scottsdale Public Library
Scottsdale Civic Center Library, Drinkwater Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ - May 20th, 2011
series based on her best seller "Outlander" being shown on Starz Network!
Break a Leg, Amiga Diana! So Pleased for You!!! ;-)
Story is that Buck cheated; but, ELVIS still gave it to him!
Notice how small my suitcase & laptop are compared to the size of these Wild Beasts;
Notice the "North Pole, AK" under the name Golden Nugget!
Santa and some of his Elves are in the store buying beer for their little outing!
Mrs. Santa is checking the list twice to see who has been naughty & who has been nice!
located just South of Fairbanks!
Stay tuned & keep scrolling through the pictures and you'll know how naughty I was! Ssh!
I think I'm safe for just about every year here out for getting some really cool gifts!
It pays to have your Masters in Tequila & working on your Doctorates in Tequila at Tommy's Mexican Restaurant in San Francisco. Now traveling in Alaska & getting Tequila!
Many homes of the poorer Mexicans were completely devastated and lost.
Hotels were damaged with complete walls missing and the airport was inoperable!
But, you will see in the next few photos, CABO STRONG attitude overpowered the storm!

Within just a few days, some businesses are back to operating, hoping the Tourist return
Uncle Rico is going to his first Green Bay Packer game at Lambeau Field! YEEHAW!!!
Uncle Rico is going to his first Green Bay Packer game at Lambeau Field! YAHOOO!!!
This is Determination & Citizenship at its Peak
This Cabo San Lucas photo is of a woman that sees herself as having a leg, not missing a leg. She has become one of the CABO STRONG and doing her part to clean up the havoc caused by Hurricane Odile 2014; I hope those that are on Welfare because of laziness and perceived personal problems are embarrassed when they see this picture.
I am Humbled and Thankful for this "Lady with a Leg!"
"I am a writer of words, bringing visions to the minds of those who read the stories I pen; but, this picture captures the heart, more than the words I am gifted to scribe." rico austin