How are you all doing out there this Friday night, TGIF Baby!! Out looking at the stars in the Arizona sky tonight and trying a new tequila Aha Toro - very nice & smooth ; Chasing it with a full Corona light of course. Scottsdale is beautiful this time of year, still hot, 102 degrees but beautiful.
Check out my Tequila Buddy - Zippy, the Tequila Whisperer at ; This guy knows his Tequila and has a funny skit - Doggy & Piggy Show.
The Balloon Boy has landed, seems he was playing with Bubble Boy and never got in the Balloon. Seems he was very upset with the wife swap that took place earlier between his dad and mother. "Don't want Daddy to swap for new Mommy no more," said the saddened Balloon Boy from Ft. Collins, Colorado. Where his family sets sail next who knows, maybe "Colorado Penal System." This is one for the books, let's hide little Balloon Boy in the Attic and call the TV cameras and police. What next!!! Balloon Boy throwing up chunks on the Today Show?
Well enough news for one Friday.
Oh, and one more thing = Thank You to all the new Twitter Followers of mybadtequila !
Uncle Rico
Rico Austin
"Have a Double Shot of Reality" & try an Aha Toro