Tonight we Blog about something serious called Social Responsibility, the culprit - Nike, Inc. in Beaverton, Oregon. The Reason - hanging onto Tiger Woods aka Eldrick Woods, PGA golfer sensation. By this time, I'm sure there are few people in the free world who has not heard of his transgressions and golfing feats. I'm not saying let's cast stones at Tiger, we've all sinned but we also don't go around toting an image of perfection and act as a spokesperson collecting millions of dollars and influencing hundreds of thousands of consumers, many of them adolescents. How can we improve our morals here in the United States when companies such as Nike, Inc. continue to hire and pay big dollars to athletes such as Tiger Woods no matter what he or she may have done. A school teacher has an affair or does something immoral and she or he loses his job almost immediately. A salesperson does an immoral act and they are usually dismissed on the spot. A police officer, a fireman, an accountant, a banker, a truck driver, delivery person, store clerk or management does something immoral and they are fired. The list goes on and on.
Shame on Phil Knight, an Oregon Duck alumni, co-founder of Nike and now Chairman of Board of Directors. Phil Knight is not only hurting his namesake, his company, but also any alumni, teachers and students that are apart of the great tradition at the University of Oregon and Stanford Graduate School of Business; as he is a well known alum and has donated millions of dollars to both educational institutions. The University of Oregon's Football Team will be representing the Oregon Ducks in Pasadena, California at the Rose Bowl on New Years Day, the beginning of 2010. Phil, don't overshadow all the good you've done. DO the Right Thing - as your slogan says JUST DO IT ! Shame on Mark Parker - President & CEO of Nike, Inc. Shame on Charlie Denson - President of Nike Brands. Stand up for what is right. Gatorade and Accenture took the right move and for that I wish them continued prosperity with their companies and products. Buick lucked out and perhaps saw the writing on the wall, dismissing Tiger a few months back as their prominent spokesperson.
Can a small group of individuals such as You and I make a difference on what a large international conglomerate will do? I don't know, but I'm going to try and find out; all of Your Help is needed hugely. The only way we can do this is by trying to reach enough concerned citizens by email in encouraging them to boycott Nike Products and by us not purchasing any Nike Products. Whether it be tennis shoes, clothing, gear, tennis balls, golf balls anything bearing the logo of Nike. If you want to cut and paste this Blog and email it to your friends and family, I not only give you permission, I strongly encourage it. Let us get the word out that America is tired of large firms and companies not caring about morality and how the wrong spokespersons can affect our Younger Generation and Generations to come.
Also, if you feel strongly one way or the other, please respond with your comments and if no strong vulgarity is included I will post them for all to see, read and ponder upon.
I will pass on any further additions to the Blog, as I take this subject before me very serious. And too, I am upset at my Arizona Cardinals for their display of football on the national stage of Monday Night Football. However, I still love them Red Birds - Warner and Fitzgerald.
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May God Bless America!!!
Uncle Rico
Rico Austin
Author, Writer & CEO - MY BAD TEQUILA
"Have a Double Shot of Reality"